Care Home – Planned and Unplanned Visits

Same Day Urgent Request

If a resident has an acute illness that requires urgent same day attention, please contact the surgery as soon as possible using a Request for Care form or by filling out a PATCHS form via the links below.

Marine Lake Medical Practice Request for Care form
Myrtle Group Practice PATCHS
Upton Group Practice Request for Care form
West Wirral Group Practice PATCHS

Your resident will be added to the on-call GP/ GP Triage list to be called back the same day.

The GP can then arrange for the appropriate care;  for example, a virtual call, face to face visit, medication, onward referral to an appropriate service and so on.

Alternately you can contact the Teletriage Service for a rapid same day assessment:
0151 514 2222 – option 2, then option 3


Routine Weekly Ward Round

Weekly Ward Round form to be emailed day before the scheduled ward round with reason for review, name of team member requesting review and most appropriate contact number. This form should be accessible to all appropriate team members throughout the week prior to ward round. All residents should be listed. If no review is required, NO CONCERNS should be clearly noted. Following best practice, all residents’ observations should be forwarded monthly.