Care Home – Downloadable Documents

Please use the following documents when submitting patient information to the care home team


Please submit when registering a new patient


Please submit when registering a temporary patient – this form lasts for 3 months

New Resident Care Home Assessment

Please fill out this form for all new residents and submit it with their registration paperwork. This establishes a baseline for the patient.

Vaccination Consent Form

Please complete this form for all new residents and submit along with their registration paperwork.

All care home residents are encouraged to receive the flu vaccine annually. The vaccine is usually administered in the autumn before flu season begins, so residents are protected during the peak flu months.

For patients who are unable to consent, due to capacity, and who have a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) in place, a discussion must be held with their family or next of kin. Their decision should be documented on the consent form and returned.

For patients who are unable to provide consent due to a lack of capacity, and who do not have a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) in place, a discussion must be held with their family or next of kin. Their wishes should be documented on the consent form. A Mental Capacity Assessment (MCA) and a Best Interest form (BI) specific to the vaccination decision must also be completed and submitted along with the consent forms. The clinician will make the Best Interest decision on the day, considering the need for the vaccine, the patient’s previous medical and vaccination history, and the preferences of the family or next of kin.